- cardiopulmonary arrest/ Clinical death (Breathlessness, Pulselessness).
- CPR is instituted within 4-6 minutes after the arrest, to prevent brain death.
- Basic Life Support (BLS) - Involves the use of the hands, mouth and the sincere desire to give the person a second chance for life.
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) - Involves BLS and the use of equipment, emergency drugs and fluids to monitor the client and stabilize his condition.
CPR involves the ABCD of Life Support
A- open airway
B- restore breathing
C- restore circulation
D- provide definitive treatment (ACLS)
Step I. Assess level of Consciousness
- Shake the victim's shoulders and ask "Are you okay?"
- If no response, place the client in supine position on a firm surface.
- The tongue is the most common cause of airway obstruction in the unconscious person.
- Use the head tilt-chin lift and the jaw thrust methods for opening and maintaining airway.
- Jaw thrust is recommended for clients with suspected neck injury.
- Take 3 to 5 seconds to look, listen and feel for spontaneous breathing.
- Mouth-to-mouth ventilation
- Mouth-to-nose ventilation
- Mouth-to-stoma ventilation
- Mouth-to-barrier ventilation
Step IV. Assess Circulation
- Check carotid pulse (adult) for 5 to 10 seconds, brachial pulse for infant and child.
- No pulse, cardiac compressions are initiated.
- Place the heel of the hand on the area of 2 fingerbreadths from the xyphoid process (adult); midsternum for infant.
- Depress the sternum with heels of both hands, one on top of the other 1 1/2 to 2 inches (adult); heel of the hand 1 to 1 1/2 inches (child); 2 fingers 1/2 to 1 inch (infant).
- If 2 man rescue: 80-100 cardiac compressions per minute, with ratio of 5:1 (compression to ventilation).
- If 1 man rescue: 80-100 cardiac compressions per minute, with ratio of 15:2 (compression to ventilation)
- Reassess the client after 4 cycles; if pulse is absent, continue CPR.
- Recheck pulse every 3 to 4 minutes thereafter.
When to stop CPR?
- When the client is revived.
- When the EMS has been activated.
- When the rescuer is exhausted.
- When the client is dead.