- Dry phlebotomy or rotating rotating tourniquets intend to allow pooling of blood in the lower extremities, thereby reducing preload.
- Three extremities are occluded at a time.
- Rotate the touniquets clockwise every 15 minutes.
- Each extremity is occluded for a maximum of 45 minutes.
- If BP compression cuff is used as tourniquet, inflate up to slightly above diastolic pressure (10 to 40 mmHg). This allows occlusion of venous return but arterial flow remains patent.
- Perform neurovascular check distal to the tourniquet application:
- Skin color.
- Skin temperature.
- Presence of pulse.
- presence of numbness or tingling.
- If tourniquet application is too tight, tissue ischemia may occur.
- Assess for signs and symptoms of thrombosis and embolism.
- Remove tourniquet one at a time every 15 minutes.