

  1. Sore throat
  2. Fever
  3. Snoring
  4. Dsyphagia
  5. Mouth-breathing
  6. Earache
  7. Frequent head colds
  8. Bronchitis
  9. Foul breath
  10. Voice impairment
  11. Noisy Respiration
  12. Draining Ears

Nursing Interventions:
  1. Promote rest
  2. Increase fluid intake
  3. Warn saline gargle
  4. Analgesics as ordered
  5. Antimicrobial as ordered.
  6. Surgery: Tonsillectomy/ Adenoidectomy (indicated if tonsillitis recurs 5 to 6 times a year).

Preop Care:
  1. Assess for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection. Coughing and sneezing postop may cause bleeding.
  2. Check Prothrombin Time. Bleeding is a common postop complication.

Postop Care
1. Prone, head turned to side or lateral position (awake: semi fowlers)
2. Oral airway until swallowing reflex returns
3. Monitor for hemorrhage.
  • Frequent swallowing
  • Bright red vomitus
  • Increase pulse rate
4. Promote comfort
  • Ice Collar
  • Acetaminophen
  • Avoid administration of aspirin because it causes bleeding.
5. Foods and Fluids
  • Ice-cold fluid
  • Bland foods

Client Education:
  1. Avoid clearing of throat. This may cause bleeding.
  2. Avoid coughing, sneezing, blowing of nose for 1-2 weeks.
  3. 2-3 liters of fluids per day until mouth odors disappears.
  4. Avoid hard or scratchy foods until throat is healed.
  5. Report signs and symptoms of bleeding.
  6. Throat discomfort between 4th to 8th postop day is expected. This due to sloughing off of mucous membrane at the operative site.
  7. Stool: black or dark for few days due to swallowed blood.
  8. Plenty of rest for 2 weeks.
  9. Avoid colds, overcrowded places; coughing and sneezing due to URTI may cause bleeding.