

1. Taking-in phase - 2-3 days
  • Basic and primary needs of mothers are their own
-food, water, clothing, sleep
  • Mother becomes attention seeker; she always talk about her experience during labor and delivery. The nurse should be a good listener in interpreting these events.
  • Not a good time for health teachings.
2. Taking-hold phase - usually for 3 days to 2 weeks, but it varies in every woman.
  • Mother is sensitive in doing the "mothering" role right.
  • Mother is more in control of her emotions.
  • Best time for health teachings.
3. Letting-go phase - varied
  • Mothers may grieve over the separation of the baby from her body.
  • May display dependent-independent behaviors where she wanted to feel secure while making decisions.
  • Time when post-partum blues may develop.
  • Time when bonding process is facilitated and parenting skills are enhanced