

CANDIDATE: You. You are talking to yourself.
GOAL: To pass the NCLEX-RN exam.


The first step in preventing panic is to learn everything you can about the exam.
Correct Answer, Next Question’s Harder

Test questions are chosen according to the accuracy of your responses.
Go the distance

As long as you are answering questions, you have not failed. Don’t lose concentration.


The questions in the NCLEX-RN exam involved integrated nursing content. Many nursing programs are based on the medical model. Students take separate medical, surgical, pediatric, psychiatric, and obstetric classes. On the NCLEX-RN exam, all content is integrated.


The NCLEX-RN exam is organized according to the framework “Meeting Client’s Needs”. There are four major categories of Client Needs and six sub categories.

Client Need #1: Safe and Effective Care Environment

The first subcategory for this client need is Management of Care and accounts for 13-19 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Advanced directives
*Advocacy *Establishing priorities
*Case Management *Ethical practice
*Client rights *Information technology
*Collaboration with interdisciplinary team *Informed consent
*Concepts of management *Legal rights and responsibilities
*Confidentiality/information security *Performance improvement (Quality improvement)
*Consultation *Referrals
*Continuity of care *Resource management
*Delegation *Staff education

The second subcategory for this client need is Safety and Infection Control and accounts and accounts for 8-14 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Accident prevention *Injury prevention

*Disaster planning *Medical and surgical asepsis

*Emergency response plan *Reporting of incident/event/irregular occurrence/variance

*Ergonomic principles *Safe use of equipment

*Error prevention *Security plan

*Handling hazardous

and infectious materials *Standard/transmission-based/

and other precautions

*Home safety *Use of restraints/safety devices

Client Need#2: Health Promotion and Maintenance

This client needs accounts for 6-12 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Aging process *Health promotion programs

*Ante/intra/postpartum and newborn care *Health screening

*Developmental stages and transitions *High-risk behavior

*Disease prevention *Human sexuality

*Expected body image changes *Immunization

*Family planning *Lifestyle choices

*Family systems *Principles of teaching/learning

*Growth and development *Self care

*Health and wellness *Techniques of physical assessment

Client Need#3: Psychosocial Integrity

This client need accounts for 6-12 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Abuse/neglect *Psychopathology

*Behavioral intentions *Religious and spiritual influences on health

*Chemical and other dependencies *Sensory/perceptual alterations

*Coping mechanisms *Situational role changes

*Crisis intervention *Stress management

*Cultural diversity *Support systems

*End of life care *Therapeutic communications

*Family dynamics *Therapeutic environment

*Grief and loss *Unexpected body image changes

*Mental health concepts

Client Need#4: Physiological Integrity

The first subcategory for this client need is Basic and Comfort and accounts for 6-12 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Alternative and complementary therapies

*Assistive devices



*Non-pharmacological comfort interventions

*Nutrition and oral hydration

*Palliative/comfort care

*Personal hygiene

*Rest and sleep

The second subcategory for this client need is Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies and accounts for 13-19 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Adverse effects/contraindications *Parenteral/Intravenous therapies

*Blood and blood products *Pharmacological agents/actions

*Central venous access devices *Pharmacological interactions

*Dosage calculation *Pharmacological pain management

*Expected effects *Total Parenteral nutrition

*Medication administration

The third subcategory for this client need is Reduction of Risk Potential and accounts for 13-19 percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Diagnostic tests *System specific assessments

*Laboratory rules *Therapeutic procedures

*Monitoring conscious sedation *Vital signs

*Potential for alterations in body systems

*Potential for complications from surgical procedures and health alterations

* Potential for complications of diagnostic tests/treatments/procedures

The fourth subcategory for this client need is Physiological Adaptation and accounts for 11-17percent of the questions on the exam.

Nursing actions that are covered in this subcategory include:

*Alterations in body systems *Medical emergencies

*Fluid and electrolyte imbalances *Pathophysiology

*Hemodynamics *Radiation therapy

*Illness management *Unexpected response to therapies

*Infectious management

The Length of Each Test Differs

You answer a minimum of 75 questions to a maximum of 265 questions.
It’s All Integrated

The NCLEX-RN exam is not divided up into separate content areas. It tests integrated nursing content.
You’re In Charge, Nurses are managers of care.
Prepare for Disaster, Remember your safety and infection control techniques.
Clients Come in All Shapes and Sizes, Be ready for anything!
Promote Health, Wellness is the goal.
Communication Is Important, Communicate therapeutically throughout the exam.
Keep Moving, Hazards of immobility are frequently tested.
Know About Medications,
* Actions
* Indications
* Side effects
* Nursing considerations
Procedures Are Important; procedures are frequently tested on the NCLEX-RN Exam.


  • * ASSESSMENT. Assessment is the process of establishing and verifying a database about the client. This permits you to identify actual and/or potential health problems. The nurse obtains subjective data, and objective data.
  • * ANALYSIS. During the analysis phase of the nursing process, you examine the data that you obtained during the assessment phase. This allows you to analyze and draw conclusions about health problems. During analysis, you should compare the client’s findings with what is normal. From the analysis, you establish nursing diagnoses. A nursing diagnosis is an actual or potential health problem that the nurse is licensed to manage.
  • * PLANNING. During the planning phase of the nursing process, the nursing care plan is formulated. Steps in planning include:
  1. Assigning priorities to nursing diagnosis
  2. Specifying goals
  3. Identifying interventions
  4. Specifying expected outcomes
  5. Documenting the nursing care plan

Goals are anticipated responses and client behaviors that result from nursing care. Nursing goals are client-centered and measurable, and they have an established time frame. Expected outcomes are the interim steps needed to reach a goal and the resolution of a nursing diagnosis.

  • * IMPLEMENTATION. Implementation is the term for the actions that you take in the care of your clients. Implementation includes:
  1. Assisting in the performance of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
  2. Counseling and educating the client and family
  3. Giving care to clients
  4. Supervising and evaluating the work of other members of the health team

It is important for you to remember that nursing interventions may be:

Independent actions that are within the scope of nursing practice and do not require supervision by others.

Dependent actions based on the written orders of a physician.

Interdependent actions shared with other members of the health team.

  • * EVALUATION. Evaluation measures the client’s response to nursing interventions and indicates the client’s progress toward achieving the goals established in the care plan. You compare the observed results to expected outcomes.

* Caring. The test is about caring for people, not working with high-tech equipment or analyzing lab results.
* Communication and Documentation. On this exam you may be asked to identify appropriate documentation of a client behavior or nursing action.
* Teaching/Learning Principles. Nursing frequently involves sharing information with clients and families so optimal functioning can be achieved. You may see client about his diet and/or medications.

Think E.R. Know what to do in an emergency.
First Things First, You need to establish priorities.
Consider All Types of Interventions; Nursing interventions can be independent, dependent, or interdependent.
Expected Outcomes, Did it work?
Who Cares? You Care! The NCLEX-RN exam is about clients.