

Who’s In Charge Here? The NCLEX-RN exam contains questions about delegation and supervision. Even if you have no direct experience in these areas, the Rules of Management will get you through the test.

The Rules of Management

Rule #1: Do not delegate the function of assessment, evaluation, and nursing judgment. These are the responsibility of a Registered professional Nurse. You cannot give this responsibility to someone else.
Rule #2: This is not the real world. Do not make decisions regarding management of care issues based on decisions you may have observed during your clinical experience in the hospital or clinic setting. Remember, the NCLEX-RN exam is ivory-tower nursing. The answers to the questions are found in nursing textbooks or journals. Always ask yourself, “Is this textbook nursing care?”
Rule #3: Delegate activities for stable clients with predictable outcomes. If the client is unstable, or the outcome of an activity not assured, should not be delegated.
Rule #4: Delegate activities that involve standard, unchanging procedures. Activities that frequently reoccur in daily client care can be delegated. Bathing, feeding, and transferring clients are examples. Activities that complex or complicated should not be delegated.
Rule #5: Remember priorities! Maslow, the ABCs, and stable versus unstable when determining which client the RN should attend to first. Keep in mind that you can see only one client or perform one activity when answering questions that require you to establish priorities.

It’s Your Job. Do not delegate assessment. Assessing the patient is your job!
Keep The Focus! The NCLEX-RN exam is all about caring for patients.
What Should You Do First? Establish Priorities.

Establishing Priority
Step1. Reword the question in your own words.
Step2. Eliminate answers using the Rules of Management..