


1. Pain

  • Maxillary: cheek, upper teeth
  • Frontal: above eyebrows
  • Ethmoid: in and around the eyes
  • Sphenoid: behind eye, occiput, top of the head

2. General Malaise
3. Stuffy nose
4. Headache
5. Post-Nasal drip
6. Persistence cough
7. Fever

Nursing Interventions:

  1. Rest
  2. Increase fluid intake
  3. Hot wet packs.
  4. Codeine, avoid Aspirin. It increases the risk in developing nasal polyps.
  5. Amoxicillin or other anti-infectives (Acute 7-10 days; Chronic 21days).
  6. Nasal decongestant e.g. Sudafed, Dimetapp (use for 72 hrs).
  7. Irrigation of maxillary sinuses with warm NSS.

1. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.
2. Caldwell-Luc Surgery (Radical Antrum Surgery)

  • Do not chew on affected side.
  • Caution with oral hygiene to prevent trauma of incision.
  • Do not wear dentures for 10 days.
  • Do not blow nose for 2 weeks after removal of packing.
  • Avoid sneezing for 2 weeks after surgery.

3. Ethmoidectomy
4. Sphenoidotomy/ Ethmoidotomy
5. Osteoplastic Flat Surgery for sinusitis.