
Cancer of the Larynx

Predisposing factors:
  1. Cigarette smoking.
  2. Alcohol abuse.
  3. Voice abuse.
  4. Environmental pollutants.
  5. Chronic laryngitis.
  6. (+) Family history

  1. Persistent hoarseness of voice
  2. Mass on anterior neck
  3. Dyspnea
  4. Dysphagia
  5. Chronic laryngitis
  6. Burning sensation with hot/acidic beverages.
  7. Halitosis.
  8. Hemoptysis
  9. Severe anorexia
  10. Severe anemia
  11. Severe weight loss

  1. Surgery: Subtotal/total laryngectomy.
  2. Subtotal – retains voice
  3. Total – absolute loss of voice
  4. Preop care: Psychosocial support

Effects of Total Laryngectomy
  • Loss of voice
  • Permanent tracheostomy
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Inability to blow the nose, sip soup, sips through the straw, whistle, gargle, and do valsalva maneuver ( unable to lift heavy objects, constipation ).

*Establish means of communication to be used postop.

Postop care:
Care of the client with Tracheostomy
1. Establish patent airway.
  • Suction as necessary.
  • Use sterile technique.
  • Semi – Fowler’s position
  • Use sterile NSS to lubricate suction catheter tip
  • Apply suction during withdrawal of suction catheter.
  • Apply suction for 5-10 seconds ( max of 15 sec ).
  • Insert 3-5’’ of the suction catheter.
  • Instill 2-5 mls. Of sterile NSS to liquefy mucous secretions.
2. Prevent infection.
  • Cleanse stoma and tracheostomy at regular basis.
  • Change dressing and ties as necessary.
3. Establish means of communication.
4. Provide psychosocial support.
5. Assist during speech therapy

Client Teaching:
  1. Cover tracheostomy with porous material.
  2. Avoid swimming.
  3. Avoid use of powder, spray, aerosol near tracheostomy.
  4. Regular follow – up care.