

Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC) is an ectopic beat that originates in the atria and is discharged at a rate faster than that of the sinus node.

  1. Generally does not require treatment.
  2. Quinidine or calcium channel blocker if it increases in frequency.

Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (PAT) is a sudden onset of an atrial tachycardia with rates that vary between 140 and 250 beats per minute.


  1. Valsalva Maneuver to reduce the heart rate through vagal stimulation.
  2. Digitalis
  3. Beta-adrenergic blockers (Propanolol).
  4. Calcium channel blockers (Verapamil).
  5. Cardioversion.
  6. Morphine sulfate, diazepam
*Avoid excess use of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine.

Atrial Flutter is a dysrhythmia in which an ectopic atrial focus captures the heart rhythm and discharges impulses at a rate of between 200 and 400 times per minute

  1. Digitalis preparation
  2. Quinidine
  3. Calcium channel blockers 1
  4. Beta-adrenergic blockers
  5. Cardioversion
Atrial Fibrillation is a dysrhythmia that is caused by the rapid and chaotic firing of atrial impulses by a multitude of foci.

  1. Digitalis, if uncontrolled fibrillation (rate is above l00 beats per minute).
  2. Quinidine
  3. Beta-adrenergic blocker